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The Daily Lectionary – January 15, 2016

Genesis 6:1-8; Hebrews 3:12-19; John 2:1-12 As Jesus goes about his first miracle of turning water into wine, at its core, is a quiet, hidden miracle. He simply tells the servants to fill the stone water jars with water, draw some water out of it, and take it to the master of the feast. The
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The Daily Lectionary – January 14, 2016

Genesis 4:17-26; Hebrews 3:1-11; John 1:43-51 The new Church year texts assure us of God’s loving faithfulness. Throughout Scripture, but especially, during Advent and Epiphany, God continually points to Jesus as his prophesied Son and Messiah. We are assured in the darkest of times, that we are never alone, never without help that our prayers
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The Daily Lectionary – January 13, 2016

Genesis 4:1-16; Hebrews 2:11-18; John 1: 29-42 “Like father, like son,” goes the saying. It was certainly true for Cain. For Adam’s sin, God’s punishment was to send him out of Eden and make him labor to bring forth food from the earth. For killing his brother Abel, God punished Cain by making sure the
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The Daily Lectionary – January 12, 2016

Genesis 3:1-24; Hebrews 2:1-10; John 1:19-28 After the death of the prophet Malachi, no prophetic voice was heard in Israel until nearly five hundred years later, when God sent John the Baptist to prepare people for the Messiah. Coming this long after a prophetic silence, and with his call to repentance and the baptism he
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The Daily Lectionary – January 11, 2016

Genesis 2:4-25; Hebrews 1:1-14; John 1:1-18 Genesis 2 tells the story of God creating humans to be partners with him. We are given the task of caring for the garden that God planted for us. However, we forgot that it belonged to God, and we began to make decisions on our own. What a privilege it
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The Daily Lectionary – January 10, 2016

Genesis 1:1-2:3; Ephesians 1:3-14; John 1:29-34 John’s account of Jesus’ baptism is much different than that of the synoptic gospels. Each of those writers records Jesus coming to the Jordan to be baptized. They tell of the Holy Spirit’s descent in the form of the dove. They share the message of the heavenly voice. John’s
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The Daily Lectionary – January 9, 2016

Isaiah 45:14-19; Colossians 1:24-2:7; John 8:12-19 How easy it is to rejoice and give thanks to God when things are going well. But when we encounter difficulties, and troubles befall us, are we so eager to sing God’s praises? Life is not always good. We are creatures broken by sin, living in a world broken
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The Daily Lectionary – January 8, 2016

Exodus 17:1-7; Colossians 1:15-23; John 7:37-52 Scientists have theorized that there is an unseen substance in the universe called “dark matter” that exerts a force which holds everything together, making it one of the greatest mysteries in modern astrophysics. Yet, our reading from Colossians tells us that this unseen force is none other than Jesus Christ
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