Home > Reading > Daily Reading – April 2, 2023

Sunday of the Passion

Most believers struggle with doubts about God and faith from time to time. However, it is important to remember that doubt and unbelief are not the same. Unbelief is to live your life as if God does not exist. Unbelief is to reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Doubt is different. It is something that happens within the framework of faith. It is a questioning, an insecurity, or a deep desire to be sure of something we trust in.

In our passage today, Paul says, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called” (1 Timothy 6:12a). The key to overcoming that doubt is that one little word — “called.”

In our Baptism, God in His grace chose us as His children. Each of us has been “called,” chosen and elected by God, not because of something we have done, not by our own merit or worth, but purely by God’s grace, mercy, and faithfulness. It is God alone who does the choosing, according to His plan and purpose.

As we begin Holy Week, let us remember we are children of God. Let us meditate on how, because He loved us enough to send His Son Jesus to die on the cross, we are freed from sin. We are made spotless and blameless in the sight of God — thus giving us life in His kingdom forever and ever.

As Luther’s “”Explanation of the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed”” says, The Holy Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies each of us, and the whole Christian Church, preserving us in unity with Jesus Christ, who daily forgives our sins and, on the last day, will raise us and all who believe — giving us eternal life.

It is comforting to know that in our humanness, when we have times of doubt, our faith and our identity as children of God are not dependent on anything we can or will do. He has done it all. Thanks be to God!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, through Your Son’s death on the cross You brought Your reign of righteousness, peace, and freedom to all. Draw us to You through His cross and keep us faithful to Your reign until He comes again; through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Devotion written by the Rev. Teresa E. Peters

“”James Lloyd Breck, Priest, 1876″”

This daily prayer and Bible reading guide, Devoted to Prayer (based on Acts 2:42), was conceived and prepared by the Rev. Andrew S. Ames Fuller, director of communications for the North American Lutheran Church (NALC). After several challenging years in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been provided with a unique opportunity to revitalize the ancient practice of daily prayer and Scripture reading in our homes. While the Reading the Word of God three-year lectionary provided a much-needed and refreshing calendar for our congregations to engage in Scripture reading, this calendar includes a missing component of daily devotion: prayer. This guide is to provide the average layperson and pastor with the simple tools for sorting through the busyness of their lives and reclaiming an act of daily discipleship with their Lord. The daily readings follow the Lutheran Book of Worship two-year daily lectionary, which reflect the church calendar closely. The commemorations are adapted from Philip H. Pfatteicher’s New Book of Festivals and Commemorations, a proposed common calendar of the saints that builds from the Lutheran Book of Worship, but includes saints from many of those churches in ecumenical conversation with the NALC. The introductory portion is adapted from Christ Church (Plano)’s Pray Daily. Our hope is that this calendar and guide will provide new life for congregations learning and re-learning to pray in the midst of a difficult and changing world.

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