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NALC Global Mission

The North American Lutheran Church (NALC) believes that it is the responsibility of every congregation to live out the Great Commission by becoming connected to at least one global ministry. To be effective in this aim, fostering relationship between congregations and global agencies and workers is key. In order to facilitate this, we have created a process by which we formally endorse individuals that uphold the beliefs and values of the NALC and, by extension, expand the reach of the NALC into all the world.

The North American Lutheran Church’s International Mission Team aims to foster and develop relationships between congregations and our global workers 

How to Become a Global Worker

Global workers are individuals who work through a sending agency to manage their practical needs, health insurance, finances, and other support. New global workers are recommended by their sending agency (SON, ALWM, OPG, WMPL, etc.)

Once an individual has been recommended by their sending agency, they must submit an application to the Missions team. If approved by the Missions team, they are vetted by the General Secretary, which includes a background check. Once a global worker is vetted, they are recommended to the Executive Council for approval. NALC global workers are not required to be NALC clergy or members. However, they must not be in opposition to NALC doctrine. New global workers will be commissioned at the next scheduled NALC convocation.

Grant Process for Global Workers

Global workers are eligible to apply for a $12,000 grant each year ($1,000/month) to help with their support. The funds are sent to the sending agency to be distributed to them as needed. The application deadline for these grants is typically November 15, and the grants are approved by a committee consisting of the Mission Team, General Secretary, and Treasurer of the NALC in January. Once approved, the sending agencies are notified of the grants and are required to sign and return a “Grant/Contribution Agreement Acknowledgment.” The checks are managed by the sending agency by the end of March.

Updates from Global Worker

A short bio and basic information about the global workers will be posted on the NALC website with links to their webpage and/or sending agency giving additional information. NALC global workers are expected to give updates regularly, which may be published in the NALC newsletter or other venues. The Missions team will keep in regular contact with global workers and promote relationships, prayer, and support from NALC congregations.
For more information on any of our ministry partners, please contact the Rev. Carol Fryer at [email protected].

“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

– Matthew 28:18-20 ESV