Home > Reading > NALC Devotions – December 30, 2017

Today’s readings: 1 Kings 17:17-24; 3 John 1-15; John 4:46-54

Our text from John’s gospel today proves once more that earthly status and influence cannot overcome the evils that befall humanity. All people, no matter who they are or the amount of their wealth, are vulnerable when it comes to sin, sickness, and death. Take the official whose son was ill for example.

No doubt he loved his son, but this official had no means to rid his child of his sickness. It is conceivable that he tried everything at his disposal but, in the end, he finally found Jesus to be his only hope. His weak faith and reliance on earthly solutions was met head-on by the power of Christ. In his weakest moment, he finally put his trust in God.

Sometimes it is hard for us to fully rely on God. Doubt kicks in and attempts to discourage our faith. Like the official, we sometimes feel we need a sign that God is truly active in our lives. Yet, Jesus is always faithful; he hears our prayers and answers them. The only sign we need is the cross of Christ, and the faith to believe his promises.

Prayer: Make us strong in faith, O Lord, that we may recognize your goodness and mercy always. Amen.

Today’s devotion was written by David Nuottila, Pastor of St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church, Chapin, SC.

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