Home > Partner > Peace Lutheran Church (Clifton, TX)

Partner Status: GCS Ministry
Ministry Focus: Discipleship, Holistic Ministry, Mission Start
Contact: Ricky Richards, 214-213-3838

A mission congregation in Clifton, TX, Peace’s mission is to simply remain that beacon of Light in the darkness to those in their community and local area who are adrift due to the brokenness that is plaguing many mainstream churches. The congregation is located in a storefront on the main street of Clifton and has a very dedicated core of people and solid lay leadership. Peace Lutheran Church is a traditional, confessional congregation in a quite traditional, conservative area.

Small, but growing, Peace is seeking additional financial support for pulpit supply (together with receiving grant funding in the past), to do some advertising in local community publications, and establish a website to help reach its targeted mission area. One of the members of Peace is concluding education through the North American Lutheran Seminary and working with the NALC Candidacy Committee to become rostered as an authorized lay minister to provide permanent leadership for Peace.