Home > Galleries > Interim Pastors Needed – Trainings Provided

The NALC is in serious need of pastors willing to serve as interims and/or willing to provide regular pulpit supply during a vacancy!

We are also pleased to announce that we will be offering an NALC Interim Ministry training “SHOT” Monday, September 19, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (EST). This will be a two hour online orientation for those considering serving one or two interims, perhaps while in-between calls. It can also be an introduction for those who might consider serving as an interim in the future. The meeting link for this training is here.

Additionally on Tuesday, September 20, 1-5 p.m. (EST), we will be offering an online NALC Interim Ministry “BLAST” — which will be a more in-depth training for those who are interested in a fuller understanding of the role and work of the interim. The meeting link for this training is here. 

We urge you to be praying about whether you might be willing to participate in one of these opportunities and potentially serve as an NALC interim, or regular supply offering support, to our vacant congregations!

If feel so moved, visit our Call Process page to see if your home state has churches near you that are in need of an interim, and reach out to [email protected] for more information.