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The NALC Great Commission Society (GCS) Mission Connectors Team is about encouraging congregations and mission districts to make relational mission connections.

The vision of the NALC is that every congregation is in relationship with at least one local, one domestic and one global mission partnership. Our team helps by preparing mission-focused resources and training, being available to coach leaders and teams and by calling every mission district and mission region at least once a year. The purpose of these calls is to pray with the leaders, to hear how the Holy Spirit is moving in their district, and to encourage them as they serve God’s kingdom.

In our most recent calls, people have shared the joys and frustrations of being Mission Driven during a global pandemic. We’ve rejoiced with people in their flexibility, innovation and commitment to sharing the Gospel. We prayed with them as they shared frustrations and struggles in discerning, trialing and adapting to what ministry and mission look like today.

In response, we’re engaging with an excellent resource and offering a book discussion on Canoeing the Mountains by Tod Bolsinger. Bolsinger explains that the explorers Lewis and Clark had to adapt in their journey when they expected the Pacific Ocean and instead found the Rocky Mountains.

The year 2020 has brought many unexpected things and the question remains as healing continues: will we embrace the opportunities that God has laid before us?

In Canoeing the Mountains, Bolsinger offers “a combination of illuminating insights and practical tools to help you reimagine what effective leadership looks like in our rapidly changing world.” Join the GCS Mission Connectors Team on Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET, Jan. 7 through Feb. 11.

This virtual small group will be asking questions about your current reality, God’s intended future, and looking at action steps for all of us as disciples to move in that direction in our calls.

To register or for more information go to Airtable.com/shr4qqMkUoWgXOpWR.