Home > Reading > NALC Devotions – August 10, 2017

Today’s readings: 1 Samuel 20:24-42; Acts 13:1-12; Mark 2:23–3:6

Have you ever told anyone to “go to hell?” I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Hell is not a popular subject. You rarely ever hear of it in Lutheran circles. We talk a great deal about love and grace but rarely do we talk of sin, hell, or other uncomfortable subjects.

The problem is that even though we avoid those subjects, it doesn’t change their reality. Jesus said, “Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin” (Mark 3:29). What does this mean? It means to die in a conscious state of rejecting Jesus as the Son of God. I believe that the Lord has set a limitation on himself. He will not forgive what we refuse to confess.

Where is hell? Hell is at the end of a life without Christ.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your eternal grace in Jesus that has destroyed sin, death, and the devil on Calvary. Amen.

Today’s devotion was written by Thomas W. Corbell, retired NALC Pastor.

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